Program German : Level A1

The objective of the A1 level is to help you to improve your German language skills and to understand simple everyday phrases that are needed to meet specific, everyday needs. You can introduce yourself and others, ask questions about those around you, find out where they live, who they know etc. You will be able to conduct basic conversation when the other person speaks clearly and slowly.

Module 1 - Foundation
Letters A-M

Letters A-M

Throughout this lesson , you will get the opportunity to learn the letters from A to M of the German alphabet . Your teacher will help you pronounce each alphabet correctly and form words with it like B for banana and c for cake . The purpose of this lesson...
Numbers 0 to 15

Numbers 0 to 15

In this course , you will learn the German numbers from 0 to 15 . The teacher will guide you and will help you to get familiar with these numbers, to pronounce , read and write them correctly. With the help of exercises you will be able to use these numbers...
Letters N to Z

Letters N to Z

In this second session of the German alphabet , you will have the chance to learn letters from N to Z . The teacher will help you to pronounce each letter correctly and form words with it like p for parent and z for zebra. The purpose of this lesson is to...
Numbers 16 to 30

Numbers 16 to 30

In this second course on numbers in German, you will continue learning the German numbers from 16 to 30. The teacher will guide you and will help you to get familiar with these numbers, to pronounce, read and write them correctly. With the help of exercises...
Counting numbers by 10's

Counting numbers by 10's

In this course, you will get the opportunity to learn how to count numbers by tens : that is ten(10), twenty (20), thirty (30) and so on. Your teacher will help you to get familiar with counting through a set of exercises and fun activities that you will...
Exercise 1

Exercise 1

Exercise 1 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons. Letters A – M, Numbers 0 To 15, Letters N To Z, Numbers 16 To 30 And Counting Numbers By 10's. It is based on listening, reading, spoken production and spoken...
Basic Colours

Basic Colours

This lesson is addressed for children and beginners to get familiar with the names of different colours in German. Your teacher will help you to spell the names of the colours correctly and use them when necessary through a set of interactive exercises. At...
Let's build a house (Shapes)

Let's build a house (Shapes)

In this course, the student will have the chance to learn about various shapes like a rectangle, a circle or a square . During the lesson, the teacher will guide the student through a set of interactive exercises in order to memorize them and use them when...


In this lesson, you will learn the names of different types of birds and the parts of the bird as well in German. Your teacher will teach you their names based with an interactive exercise where you have to find the name of the bird corresponding to the...


This course is very helpful for children and beginner-level students because they will get a chance to learn the names of various animals in German like cat, dog, elephant. The teacher will help you pronounce the names correctly and use them with an exercise...
Vegetables and Fruits Part I

Vegetables and Fruits Part I

In this interactive course, the student will have the opportunity to learn a new vocabulary related to fruits and vegetables. The teacher will guide the student and help him to pronounce, read and write the names of the fruits and the vegetables correctly...
Exercise 2

Exercise 2

Exercise 2 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons Basic Colors, Let's Build A House (Shapes), The Birds, Animals, Vegetables And Fruits Part I. It is based on listening, reading, spoken production and spoken interaction....
Vegetables and Fruits Part II

Vegetables and Fruits Part II

This lesson is a continuity of the lesson ' Vegetables and Fruits-Part I' . You will learn a new set of names of the fruits and vegetables through a fun and interactive conversation class. The teacher will guide the student and help him to pronounce , read...
Nature (Plants and Flowers)

Nature (Plants and Flowers)

Nature is very beautiful and is composed of many elements like trees , flowers etc . In this course you will learn a new vocabulary related to the different parts of a plant and the names of beautiful flowers in German . The teacher will guide you and will...
Parts of the body

Parts of the body

This lesson is about the different parts of the body. After this course you will be able to identify the different parts of the human body and to memorize the new vocabulary. Your teacher will guide you and will help you through an interactive exercise to...
Parts of the face

Parts of the face

This course is a good opportunity to discover the different names of the parts of the face in German. You will learn how to make sentences with the new learned vocabulary like 'I have two ears'. Your teacher will help you to pronounce these words correctly...
Five Senses

Five Senses

After learning about the different parts of the body and the different parts of the face, now it essential to learn about the Five Senses since they are very important in our life. You will be able to learn and pronounce the different five senses correctly...
Exercise 3

Exercise 3

Exercise 3 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons of Vegetables and Fruits Part II, Nature (Plants and Flowers), Parts of the body, Parts of the face, Five Senses. It is based on listening, reading, spoken production and...
Test 1

Test 1

It is time to test your knowledge. We will be doing a number of exercises on the things we learned during the first module. Good Luck!
Module 2 - Myself, Home, Directions, Currency


Every one of us have different kinds of hobbies, so what are your hobbies? You will learn in this course the vocabulary related to the different hobbies and passion. Your teacher will guide you to pronounce and memorize the new words correctly through some...
Opposites (tall-short, big-small)

Opposites (tall-short, big-small)

The opposite of someone or something is the person or thing that is most different for them. In this lesson, the student will get the opportunity to learn opposites for example hot/cold , happy/sad , short/tall and many other opposites. The teacher will guide...


Everyone of us wear different types of clothes. So in order for you to learn the names of the clothes in German we offer you this course to learn a new vocabulary related to clothes where the teacher is going to help you. You will discover new words like...
Jobs and Occupations

Jobs and Occupations

When someone asks you what is your current job or what do you want to do in the future, you find it hard to answer these questions because you lack the vocabulary related to jobs and occupations in German. That's why this course will be helpful for you to...
Food Habits

Food Habits

Habit is a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up. This course will explain to you how the regular practice of good habits should be a part of everyone's life since it is very beneficial for them. The teacher will help...
Exercise 4

Exercise 4

Exercise 4 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons Hobbies, Opposites (tall-short, big-small), Clothes, Jobs and Occupations, Food Habits. It is based on listening, reading, spoken production and spoken interaction. At the...
People Around Me

People Around Me

In this course you will get the opportunity to learn the vocabulary related to all the members in your family from father and mother to nephew and niece. The teacher will help you to form complete sentences about your family through a conversational...
Formal and Informal Greetings.

Formal and Informal Greetings.

While greeting someone for the first time, you have follow some etiquettes like smiling and giving a firm handshake. In this course, you will learn how to greet someone in a formal and an informal setting. Your teacher will guide you and help you to form...
Describing a Home

Describing a Home

Home is where everyone feels comfortable around his family. Join our course to learn more about what's inside a house where the character Bella will provide you a tour of her house. Your teacher will guide you and will help you to learn new vocabulary and...
Animal Homes

Animal Homes

For the safety of the animals, they need a home to live in. In this course you will have the opportunity to learn the different names of the animal's homes in German. The teacher will guide you and will help you to memorize the different vocabulary through an...
Myself (me and my environment like home,school,teacher,parents)

Myself (me and my environment like home,school,teacher,parents)

In this lesson you will get the chance to introduce yourself correctly. The character Nina will teach you how to introduce yourself in German. You will be able to learn new vocabulary related to ‘myself’, ‘family’ and ‘people around us, where the...
Exercise 5

Exercise 5

Exercise 5 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons People Around Me, Formal and Informal Greetings, Describing a Home, Animal Homes and Myself. It is based on listening, reading, spoken production and spoken interaction....
Travel and Transport

Travel and Transport

Everyone likes to travel to discover new places and meet new people. That's why it is very essential to learn the vocabulary related to travel in German. In this course you will get the chance to learn the vocabulary related to all the means of transport...
Directions (left, right etc.)

Directions (left, right etc.)

When someone asks you about directions, answering him will be hard for you if you don't know the related vocabulary in German. That's why in this course you will have the opportunity to learn the new words related to directions and therefore guide the person...


Currency is defined as the system of money in general use in a particular country. Throughout this course you will get the opportunity to learn the various currencies of the other countries since it very essential to know them especially while traveling. The...
At the Grocery/Supermarket

At the Grocery/Supermarket

A supermarket is a self-service shop offering a wide variety of food, beverages and household products, organized into sections. While a grocery shop is a store where food and small items for the house are sold. In this lesson you will have the chance to...


Do you like shopping? If your answer is yes then this course is for you! In this lesson our character Molly will take you on a great journey to many places and stores to buy new things and to help you learn the new vocabulary related to the name of each store...
Exercise 6

Exercise 6

Exercise 6 is a perfect start to practice the knowledge you gained through the lessons Travel and Transport, Directions (left, right etc.), Price / Currency / Quantifiers, At the Grocery/Supermarket and Shopping. It is based on listening, reading, spoken...
Test 2

Test 2

It is time to check how much you have learned. This test will have multiple exercises to check your improvement. Practice your lessons before taking this test. Good Luck!
Module 3 - Concept of time and space
Time of the day(Morning, noon, etc...Zone like twilight)

Time of the day(Morning, noon, etc...Zone like twilight)

Get ready to learn about the different parts of the day in this online lesson. This topic will help you acquire the vocabulary related to the time of day like morning, afternoon, evening and so on. Learn how to greet people in different parts of the day.
Days of the week

Days of the week

In this online lesson, we will be learning about the days of the week and their order. Practice and learn new vocabulary with your online teacher. You will enjoy the exercises of putting the days of the week in order, filling out the missing letter and so on.
Months of the year

Months of the year

Today, we will learn the names of the months of the year and their order. Get ready to learn with your online German teacher. Learn the spellings, pronunciation and solve exercises with the help of the teachers. It is a fun and interactive lesson.


A year is divided into different seasons, do you know their names? After this lesson you will be able to speak about your favourite season and explain the difference between them. Get ready to learn seasons' names with your online tutor.
Weather Forecast

Weather Forecast

Understanding the weather forecast is an important part of our day to day life. After this lesson you will be able to speak about different weather conditions, both favorable and disastrous. Learn all about this topic online with your German teacher.
Exercise 7

Exercise 7

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This highly interdisciplinary exercise will test your capacity to interact with others and express...
Places near me (school, bus junction, post office, etc…)

Places near me (school, bus junction, post office, etc…)

Let us learn about the different places we have around us. We will learn all the vocabulary needed to describe the places near us. For example, types of buildings in a city and why we need them. Get ready to learn with your online German teacher.
Tell the time (on the clock)

Tell the time (on the clock)

Today we will learn how to read a clock and tell the time in this online lesson. Learn the structure and vocabulary needed with your online German teacher.
Community Helpers

Community Helpers

Our community is filled with people that provide help for our community. Our lives without those people would be very difficult. Learn more about this German topic with your online teacher.
Daily routine

Daily routine

How do you spend your day? What is your daily routine? Learn how to answer these question in today's online German lesson with the help of your online teacher.
You are invited

You are invited

Learn how send and respond to invitations. Learn the German vocabulary needed to do so in today's online topic with your teacher.
Exercise 8

Exercise 8

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your capacity to interact with others and express yourself.
Our Universe

Our Universe

Get ready to explore the universe in all its greatness. Today we will learn about the planets and the stars of our universe in German language with the help of your online teacher.


Learn about the 8 planets of our solar system in today's online topic. Learn the German names and other information about this topic with your online teacher. Practice the pronunciation of these names and improve your language.
Doing Something (Action words-Part I)

Doing Something (Action words-Part I)

In today's lesson we will learn about action verbs, their pronunciation, meaning and spelling. Get ready to acquire new vocabulary in German language with your online teacher.
Henry The Martian

Henry The Martian

Learn new German vocabulary that will help you in case you decide to travel through time and space with your online teacher. This lesson will help you explore the universe and help you improve your sentence formation.
Action Words-Part II

Action Words-Part II

In this second part of the lesson, we will learn more about action words in German language with your online teacher. Practice the first part of action words before taking this lesson. It will help you improve your grammar.
Exercise 9

Exercise 9

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This fun and interactive exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express...
Test 3

Test 3

Time to test your knowledge for German language. Number of exercises in this lesson will help you know your improvement. Revise all the lessons before taking the test. Good Luck!
Module 4 - Grammar, Culture and Numbers


There are so many countries in this world and each country has its own culture and tradition. It is easy to differentiate people with their nationalities. This lesson teaches about the different countries of this world and what the people from those countries...
He, She, It (Gender)

He, She, It (Gender)

In different languages, there are 3 types of genders. They are defined by using the pronouns; he, she and it. This topic will help you to learn the correct use of he, she and it with your teacher. The exercises have a few pictures and you have to look at the...
Fun With Numbers

Fun With Numbers

There's only 1 thing, 2 do, 3 words.... We learn numbers right since childhood as it's essential in our daily life. Let us learn numbers and have fun with it. This topic has words like addition and subtraction. Learn how to read numbers and count them with...
If I Met… (Animal And Bird Sounds)

If I Met… (Animal And Bird Sounds)

People from different countries have their own language. People speak French, English, German etc. However, animals do not speak languages. Rather, each have their own distinct calls which differentiates them. Learn about the different sounds that animals and...
Nouns 1 (Name, Place, Animal, Thing)

Nouns 1 (Name, Place, Animal, Thing)

A noun is one of the most basic topics of grammar in any language. A noun defines a person, animal or thing. With this topic, learn the different classifications and categories of nouns and how to use them properly with the help of your online teacher.
Exercise 10

Exercise 10

Exercise 10 is based on part 1 of Module 4. The questions are segregated in levels of reading, speaking, listening and writing. These skills help improve your level. Are you excited? Complete this exercise and get ready to move on to the 2nd part of the...
Games And Sports

Games And Sports

Do you like to practice sports or like to exercise? Which one of these is correct? There is a difference between sports and games and that's what this topic is about. Let us talk about the different games and sports that one can practice with this online...
Festivals, Costumes And Clothes

Festivals, Costumes And Clothes

Festivals are a time of joy and cheer. These celebrations make kids, adults and people of all ages happy. Today we will learn the German vocabulary related to festivals, costumes and clothes from a number of different countries around the world with the help...
Nouns 2 (Concrete, Compound, Collective)

Nouns 2 (Concrete, Compound, Collective)

Previously, we saw the topic Nouns 1 which taught you a basic idea of what nouns are. In this German lesson we will continue talking about nouns and their different classification and categories, specially, collective, compound and concrete nouns with your...
Magic Words

Magic Words

Manners maketh man. Manners are very important in our speech, not only with action but also with words. In order to have a functioning civilized interaction with other people, we all need to learn basic words which are respectful towards all. Learn more about...
Meet My Friends From Other Countries

Meet My Friends From Other Countries

Do you have friends from other parts of the world other than the country you live in? In today's lesson, take a trip around the school and meet the friends of our main character, Alex. Try out the exercises as well with the help of your online German teacher.
Exercise 11

Exercise 11

This exercise is a combination of questions based on part 2 of Module 4. These questions will focus on skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This fun and interactive exercise will help to interact with others and express yourself.
Hygiene And Health

Hygiene And Health

Hygiene and health are very important in our lives, especially after this disastrous pandemic. Children need to be taught about daily hygiene as it keeps us and others around us healthy and fit. In this lesson, we will learn the German vocabulary related to...
Simple Verb Forms

Simple Verb Forms

Verbs are action words. They can be irregular or simple. However, one should know basic verb forms to begin with. Are you confused? Don't worry. With this topic, you can practice basic verb forms in German and also learn about Imperative verbs in this class.
World Food

World Food

Do you enjoy eating food. What is your favourite cuisine? Some people are adventurous and love eating food from different parts of the world. People have different eating habits that varies from one place to another. Learn more about this topic with your...
Good Habits

Good Habits

Good habits are things which differentiate humans from animals. We need to cultivate good habits and teach them to those around us. Our habits tell a ton of things about us and the way we are. Learn some new good habits with your online German teacher.
At The Restaurant

At The Restaurant

How do you order food when you visit a restaurant? Do you know the vocabulary related to restaurants? Learn the vocabulary you need when you go to a restaurant along with how to order for food and ask for the bill when finished. Try out the exercises with the...
Exercise 12

Exercise 12

Exercise 12 is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express yourself....
Test 4

Test 4

We have successfully completed Module 4. Well done! Now it's test time. We will be doing a number of exercises which are based on all the things learned in this module. Now, it is time to test your knowledge. Good Luck!
Module 5 - Sounds


What are vowels? Learn about them in this topic with your online German teacher. There are 5 vowels in German A U EN E O. Study pronunciation and intonation in different words where these letters (vowels) affect them. Practice with you teacher through various...


What are consonants? Learn about them in this topic with your online German teacher. There are around 20 to 29 phonemes in German. Study speech sounds of consonants to make your speech easier to understand. Usually, there is only one way to pronounce a...
How are you? (Punctuation marks)

How are you? (Punctuation marks)

In this lesson, we will learn about punctuations and how to use them properly with your online German teacher. Punctuation is the use of space, conventional signs and certain typographical devices to better understand the written texts. Using the right...
One and many (Singular and plural)

One and many (Singular and plural)

What is the difference between the singular and the plural form and how to use them properly with your online German teacher. One is used to talk about singular nouns such as thing, person or place while many is used to talk about plural nouns, more than one...
Sentence structure

Sentence structure

Articles are an integral part of any language. Learn about them and how to use them properly in today's topic with the help of your online teacher. The usage of articles is to talk about nouns whether in a specific or a general way. Distinguish between the...
Exercise 13

Exercise 13

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. It is based on what you already studied in previous lessons to test your knowledge in these specific...
The indefinite article

The indefinite article

Learn how to pronounce words correctly in today's topic (which is the first part of a two parts lesson) with your online German teacher. In this lesson we will learn how to pronounce and to spell letters from A-L. Phonics is very important in every language....
The definite article

The definite article

Learn how to pronounce words correctly in today's topic (which is the second part of a two parts lesson) with your online German teacher. In this lesson we will learn how to pronounce and to spell letters from M-Z. Phonics is very important in every...
Opposites and Same Meaning

Opposites and Same Meaning

Learn the difference between antonyms and synonyms and what they are with your online German teacher. Antonyms are words that have contrasting or opposite meanings. Synonyms are one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have the same...
Crash, boom bang and things that go splat!

Crash, boom bang and things that go splat!

Onomatopoeia is a figure of speech that uses sounds to convey meanings and messages. Learn about them with your online German teacher. In this lesson you will study about the common usage of onomatopoeia in specific situations. It can add excitement, action,...
Temporal adverbs

Temporal adverbs

Adverbs of frequency are used to talk about the rate of frequency of the occurrence of something. Learn more about this with the help of your online teacher. In this lesson you will see different situations where to use adverbs of frequency. It will allow you...
Exercise 14

Exercise 14

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This highly interdisciplinary exercise will test your capacity to interact with others and express...
Pronunciation-Part I

Pronunciation-Part I

In this lesson you will work on pronunciation in the first part of this lesson with your online teacher. Learn how to pronounce and to spell letters. Phonics is very important in every language. This lesson will be based on repetition with the guidance of...
Pronunciation-Part II

Pronunciation-Part II

In the second part, learn about pronunciation with your online teacher. Learn how to pronounce and how it sounds in words. Some poems will be proposed to better practice pronunciation skills with the guidance of your teacher through different exercises to...
Adjectives-Part I: Common

Adjectives-Part I: Common

Learn about adjective and their types with the help of your online German teacher. Adjectives are important to describe people, animals and things and this is what is covered in this lesson. It will be guided by exercises where you need to use the vocabulary...
Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns

You will continue learning about adjective and their types with the help of your online German teacher. In this lesson we will study about Demonstrative Adjectives. They are words used to identify the relative position of a noun in time and space. Learn about...


Comics are a funny way to learn and improve your language skills. Learn more about this with your online German teacher. Comics give students the opportunity to read material which combines texts and pictures. where you will be introduced to new stories,...
Exercise 15

Exercise 15

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. It is based on what you already studied in previous lessons and will test your knowledge in these...
Test 5

Test 5

It is time to test your knowledge. A number of exercises on the things learned during the first module will help you understand your improvement. This test will include all the previous lessons. It is a chance to revise all what you have learned and to...
Module 6 - Geography and Math
Land and Water (The ecosystem)

Land and Water (The ecosystem)

Our planet is a marvel with its numerous ecosystems and variety of things that live on it. An ecosystem can be defined as something that includes all of the living things (plants and animals) and non-living things (weather, earth, sun) in the same place. This...
Countries-Their capitals and currency

Countries-Their capitals and currency

In one of the previous topics, we have learnt about different countries around the world. But do you know the capitals of some of these famous countries? In this topic, let’s learn about famous countries along with their capitals and their currencies. Join...
Types of Land

Types of Land

Land is in fact very different from one place to another. In one of the previous lessons, we learnt about the different ecosystems that are present on planet earth. This topic speaks about the different types of land that are present in our very own...
Sea Life

Sea Life

Sea or marine life is about life in the ocean. Humans must study and learn more about all the living organisms inside the ocean as it is part of the ecosystem. So let us learn more about sea life and discover some sea animals and other living things that we...
Tenses 1-Past Simple of “to be”

Tenses 1-Past Simple of “to be”

The 'Past simple tense of "to be"' sounds like a very difficult topic of grammar but in reality, it is not. We use the past tense to talk about an action that has already been completed. Today we will learn the simple past tense of the verb "to be" with your...
Exercise 16

Exercise 16

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express yourself.
Personal pronouns

Personal pronouns

Pronouns are used to replace a noun in a sentence. In this lesson you will learn personal pronouns in nominative, dative and accusative form.
Tenses-2 Past Simple of 'To have' & 'To do'

Tenses-2 Past Simple of 'To have' & 'To do'

Today we will continue learning the simple past tense with the verbs "to have" and "to do" with your online German teacher.
A visit to the Aquarium

A visit to the Aquarium

Today we will pay a visit to the Aquarium and learn all about it with your online German teacher. Take a look at the vocabulary used and make sentences with it. Practice it in the exercises.
Exercise on how to write numbers

Exercise on how to write numbers

In this lesson, revise all the numbers in German language. Practice in in the exercises with the help of your teacher. By writing remember the numbers perfectly.
Numbers exercises

Numbers exercises

Numbers are very important in our life. We use them everyday when we do grocery shopping, tell the time, speak about events with their dates, and so on. Learn more about them with your online German teacher with exercises.
Exercise 17

Exercise 17

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing.
Tenses-3 (Present of regular verbs)

Tenses-3 (Present of regular verbs)

In this new grammar lesson we will learn the present simple tense with your online German teacher. Practice exercises and improve your grammar of the language.
Tenses-4 (Present of irregular verbs)

Tenses-4 (Present of irregular verbs)

What is the present continuous? How can we use it? and why? learn the answer of these questions in today's lesson with the help of your German teacher.
20000 leagues under the sea (measurements)

20000 leagues under the sea (measurements)

How do we use measurements in German? and what are the different units of measurement one can use ? Learn this and more with your online German teacher.
Exercises on Present Tense

Exercises on Present Tense

In today's fun topic we will practice using the simple present and the present continuous tense with your online German teacher.


Limericks are funny poems that are short and easy to write. Learn more about them with your online German teacher.
Exercise 18

Exercise 18

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing.
Test 6

Test 6

It is time to test your knowledge. We will be doing a number of exercises on the things we learned during the first module. good Luck!
Module 7 - Leisure Activities
At the circus

At the circus

A circus is an amusing place that brings happiness for everyone. In this joy-spreading place, you can find a variety of performers, generally trapeze artists, clowns, magicians, and acrobats, and so on. In this lesson, you will get familiar with the...
Negation (not and no)

Negation (not and no)

If we want to negate a statement, we have to use negative words. In this lesson you will learn how to form the negation in the German language.
Whazzat? (Questions)

Whazzat? (Questions)

Do you know how to make questions correctly in German? Do you know which question words to use for every request? Today, you will learn how to make well-structured questions and how to use them properly with your online German teacher. In this lesson, you...
At the Beach

At the Beach

What's your favorite summer activity? Do you enjoy going to the beach? Do you have any specific leisure activities you prefer when you are at the seaside? Today, you will acquire the vocabulary needed about the beach, chiefly: clothes and tools. You will also...
We Are Going on a Vacation

We Are Going on a Vacation

Kids love having time off from school and want to enjoy their time. One of the activities they enjoy during vacation is traveling. Kids are also fond of spending their time outside when they are visiting another city or country. This German lesson will...
Exercise 19

Exercise 19

This exercise is a combination of different grammar-related activities that will help you improve several skills such as reading, spoken production and interaction as well as listening and writing. This exercise is based on the previous German lessons you...
Write a Short Essay

Write a Short Essay

Acquiring writing skills is very crucial if you want to master a new language. Today you will practice writing a short essay with your online German teacher. This German lesson contains a couple of concise essays. You will study different sentence structures,...
Read Me a Story (Bedtime Story)

Read Me a Story (Bedtime Story)

Bedtime stories are stories made to help children sleep at night but they can also be enjoyed by adults. This German topic includes some tales that you will discover with your online German teacher. Let us learn more about them and practice some captivating...
Past tense of regular verbs

Past tense of regular verbs

If you tell something in the past, you have to use past tenses of verbs. In this lesson you will learn how to form the tense "past tense" of irregular verbs.
Past tense of irregular verbs

Past tense of irregular verbs

Strong verbs are very special in the past. In this lesson you will learn how to form the simple past tense of strong verbs.
The Cat's Outta the Bag (Idioms)

The Cat's Outta the Bag (Idioms)

Idioms are very common in every language. Besides, every language has its own set of idioms. Learn about German idioms with your online German teacher. You will be taught the different connotations of a variety of idioms to enrich your knowledge. You can use...
Exercise 20

Exercise 20

This German exercise is designed with the help of the other topics you have already seen: Write a short story, read me a story, alliteration, and shorten it. This exercise is a combination of different grammar-related activities that will help you improve...
Famous Books

Famous Books

Books can be considered the best-printed material. They are entertaining and educative. Books take us to another world, allow us to enjoy new experiences, and teach us new things. They broaden our minds and help us to learn many languages. In this German...


To organize our ideas, it is important to use conjunctions. Conjunctions link phrases and parts of sentences to make the relation clear between the different elements. In this German lesson, you will learn how to use the simple conjunctions "and", "but" and...
Back to the Future!

Back to the Future!

What are your plans for this weekend or this evening? A question you might hear and discuss often. Do you want to learn how to speak about your future plans with your German online teacher? The lesson back to the future is going to introduce you to the future...
Let's Watch a Movie

Let's Watch a Movie

Let's watch a movie with a group of friends and learn a lot of things related to it with your online German teacher. Let's watch a movie is a German topic that will acquaint you with Mark, Mary, Roy, and Amy. Notice how they are discussing their different...
I want to be a singer

I want to be a singer

Music has become a very important part of our modern life. In fact, singers are among the most famous people in the world. In this German lesson, you will meet an aspiring singer who competes in a singing contest. She encounters many challenges as she is...
Exercise 21

Exercise 21

This German topic has a variety of exercises that are related to the topics you have already seen with your online German teacher: Famous Books, Can I join you and Back to the future as well as Let's watch a movie, and I want to be a singer. This exercise is...
Test 7

Test 7

After successfully completing several German lessons, it is time to test your knowledge and recall what you have already learned. With your online German trainer, you will have the opportunity to practice a variety of exercises based on the seventh module....
Module 8 - Work and Jobs
Good, Better, Best (Degrees of comparison)

Good, Better, Best (Degrees of comparison)

In this lesson, you will learn how to use levels of comparison to help you express yourself more smoothly in real-world situations. Comparison levels are very common in daily conversations in German, so this lesson is particularly important.
Prepositions of place

Prepositions of place

This lesson will help you improve your ability to refer to people/objects in the real world. Prepositions of place are quite important in daily conversations as they can help you share vital information about placement of objects/people to others accurately.


This lesson is about exclamations and how important they are to a person's ability to express their feelings to others in English. Exclamation marks are very useful, especially for greetings and wishes in German.
Where do animals live and what do they eat?

Where do animals live and what do they eat?

This lesson is about the natural habitat of animals as well as their diets. You will be able to learn not only about different animals, but also share your thoughts and opinions about them.
Where are you going? (An exercise on directions.)

Where are you going? (An exercise on directions.)

This lesson will help you learn about taking and giving directions. Being able to share directions and explain them is part of the daily life experience, so learning the vocabulary needed for taking/giving directions is key.
Exercise 22

Exercise 22

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will help you to interact with others and express yourself.
Prepositions of time, including in/on/at

Prepositions of time, including in/on/at

This lesson deals with prepositions of time and the chronological terminology used to give reference points. Being able to give the precise time of different set of events is crucial in daily conversations, so this lesson will be quite helpful.
Ready for work.

Ready for work.

In this lesson, you will learn about different professions and the clothing that corresponds to them. Learning how to name different attires is quite important as different professions have different attire standards.
Office-2 (Office supplies…)

Office-2 (Office supplies…)

This lesson will guide you through different office related stationery that are commonly used. There will be several exercises that will test your ability to name different office tools/stationery and their purpose.
At the office

At the office

This lesson is about a conversation in the office. You will be able to read a conversation about Mona and her mom as well as the different terminology used to describe locations.
Dear diary (Write 2-3 lines highlighting your day)

Dear diary (Write 2-3 lines highlighting your day)

This lesson will introduce you to writing a diary in German. You will read an example of a person who is writing her diary, and you will need to learn the words that she used to describe the events in her life. There will be exercises that will guide you...
Exercise 23

Exercise 23

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This highly interactive exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express...
I want to be a superhero (Responsibilities of a superhero)

I want to be a superhero (Responsibilities of a superhero)

Everyone loves superheroes and some may even dream of being one. Learn more about those characters and others with your online German teacher.
You are invited-2…(Write an invitation card, thank you card...)

You are invited-2…(Write an invitation card, thank you card...)

Birthday cards are cards used to invite people to our birthday parties. So many people like to write their birthday cards. These cards are lovely and include important information about the birthday. Learn more about them in today's topic with your online...
My treasure box (Possessive adjectives)

My treasure box (Possessive adjectives)

What are possessive adjectives and how to use them? Learn more about these adjectives with your online German teacher. Practice the adjectives with the exercises.
Bedtime stories (short stories which incorporate numbers,flowers, etc)

Bedtime stories (short stories which incorporate numbers,flowers, etc)

In today's lesson we will learn more about bedtime stories and their meaning with your online German teacher. Share your favourite bedtime story with the teacher and learn new vocabulary words.
Falling Ill (Exercises on words).

Falling Ill (Exercises on words).

It is never a fun experience to fall sick. In this online lesson discuss about your experience with your online German teacher. Learn vocabulary words nd practice exercises.
Exercise 24

Exercise 24

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express yourself.
Test 8

Test 8

It is time to test your knowledge. We will be doing a number of exercises on the things we learned during the first module. good Luck!
Module 9 - Holidays, technology and Civilization
Reading forms

Reading forms

How can we read forms, posters and flyers? Learn how to do so with your online German teacher. Take a look at the vocabulary words and practice exercises to remember what you studied.
Declination of the possessive pronouns

Declination of the possessive pronouns

In this lesson you will learn how to decline possessive pronouns in the genitive, dative, and accusative case.
Make a Poster

Make a Poster

After learning how to read posters, let us learn how to make them with your online German teacher. Learn the different styles and techniques used to make the poster. Also, learn the vocabulary words used in the lesson.
Party essentials

Party essentials

Who among us doesn't love partying and having fun. However, organizing parties takes a lot of effort and time. Let us learn what essentials are required for a party and how to arrange them. Discuss with your teacher in detail.
Christmas Party

Christmas Party

Christmas is the season to be happy and to celebrate. So let us take a look at how a Christmas party is arranged and what are the traditions in different countries. Learn about it with your online German teacher.
Exercise 25

Exercise 25

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This highly interdisciplinary exercise will test your capability to interact with others and express...
I'm So Excited (Intensifiers)

I'm So Excited (Intensifiers)

Intensifiers are used to give force or emphasis to a verb or an adjective. Learn more about them in this online lesson with your online German teacher.
Technology I (Exercises on words - spoken)

Technology I (Exercises on words - spoken)

Technology plays a major role in the evolution of our culture and civilization. Let us learn the technological terms used and remember it with the help of exercises.
Technological terms

Technological terms

In this lesson we will learn some technology related vocabulary and practice it with the help of your online German teacher. Revise the previous lesson on Technology words.
Things you use everyday-technology

Things you use everyday-technology

What are the technological tools that you use everyday? Take a look at the vocabulary used in the lesson. Let us discuss this and learn more about technology that we use everyday with online German teacher.
Modal verbs

Modal verbs

We use modal verbs to talk about skills, ask for permission, make inquiries and offers and so on. In this lesson you will learn what are German modal verbs and how do we use them in sentences. Practice with the help of exercises.
Exercise 26

Exercise 26

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will help you understand how to interact with others and express yourself.
Global Warming

Global Warming

Global Warming is one of the most important issues that our generation faces. What are the way an individual can contribute to stop global warming. Discuss this topic with your online German teacher and find ways on how we can contribute.
World Civilisations (Exercises on words).

World Civilisations (Exercises on words).

Every country has its own history of culture and civilization. In this lesson, read about some interesting facts and discuss about this with your online German teacher. Solve exercises to improve your German language.
Past tense of modal verbs

Past tense of modal verbs

Modal verbs in the past are usually used in the past tense. In this lesson you will learn how to use modal verbs in the past.
The curse of the Pharaoh

The curse of the Pharaoh

Ancient Egypt is known as the land of Pharaoh. Pharaoh was once a powerful and practically located in Egypt. In this lesson, understand the history of Pharaoh and their power. Practice exercises with the help of the online German teacher.
RSVP (Writing exercise on short responses).

RSVP (Writing exercise on short responses).

What does RSVP mean? What is the correct way to reply to an invitation? In this online German lesson, learn from your teacher on how to write and respond to invitations.
Exercise 27

Exercise 27

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your ability to interact with others and express yourself.
Test 9

Test 9

It is time to test your knowledge. We will be doing a number of exercises on the things we learned during the first module. good Luck!
Module 10 - Hotel and Essential Services
Dentist (basic words, office, etc.)

Dentist (basic words, office, etc.)

A visit to a dentist is a must. It is always important to go for a dental check up at least twice per year. Let us talk about this topic and more with the help of your online German teacher.
Get well soon! (Different ailments and diagnosis-basic)

Get well soon! (Different ailments and diagnosis-basic)

We are all prone to fall ill from time to time. Different diseases have different symptoms and we take a lot of measures and steps to help us feel better. Let us talk about this and more with your online German teacher.
At The Chemist

At The Chemist

Chemist help us get better by providing us with medication and advice when needed. Let us learn more about them with your online German teacher.
A visit to the hospital

A visit to the hospital

When we get sick or injured, we go to the hospital to seek help from doctors and nurses. Let us learn more about them with your online German teacher.
Write up to 6 lines.

Write up to 6 lines.

Writing is fun and educative. It is enjoyable when we create and write down our ideas that can be read and admired by others. Writing develops our skills and facilitates learning a new language. Hence, it is important to practice writing words and sentences...
Exercise 28

Exercise 28

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This highly interdisciplinary exercise will test your ability to interact with others and express...
Money - Where do I save it? (Exercises on words.)

Money - Where do I save it? (Exercises on words.)

Managing money is extremely important, but also really difficult. Let us talk about this topic and how to manage and save money in this online lesson.
Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs

Reflexive verbs are verbs with additional pronouns that refer back to the subject. In this lesson you will learn reflexive verbs and their use.
I Won The Lottery!

I Won The Lottery!

What would happen if you win the lottery? Let us talk about this while learning new vocabulary with your online German teacher.
At the Bank (Roleplay)

At the Bank (Roleplay)

Banks hold a pivotal role in our lives. Let us learn more about them with your online German teacher.
Technology II

Technology II

In this second part of our lesson about technology we will continue learning about them and the vocabulary related to it with your online German teacher.
Exercise 29

Exercise 29

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will test your ability to interact with others and express yourself.


Brochures are used to advertise about services and goods and other things. In this lesson we will learn how to make brochures and vocabulary related to it. Practice exercise with your online German teacher.
Words Used in a Hotel

Words Used in a Hotel

In this lesson, you learn about vocabulary and words used in hotels while booking a room, ordering food, checking out and so on with your online German teacher.
Do you have a reservation? (Check into a Hotel)

Do you have a reservation? (Check into a Hotel)

Do You Have A Reservation is a German lesson on ways to make a hotel reservation. The lesson helps you understand on how to check into a hotel over the telephone, and while visiting the hotel. Make a note of the terms used and complete the exercises.
Ordering Room Service

Ordering Room Service

Ordering Room Service is a German lesson on ordering food using the facility of room service available in a hotel. Two role plays are included in the lesson for practice. Take a look at the terms and the courteous words used. Speak to your teacher about your...
Filling out a form

Filling out a form

Filling Out A Form is a topic on German lesson which teaches to fill out feedback forms. Learn the importance of a feedback form and its uses. Make a note of the types of forms and bills they come across and complete the exercises.
Exercise 30

Exercise 30

This exercise is a combination of different grammar related activities that will improve a number of skills such as reading, speaking, listening and writing. This interactive exercise will help you understand how to interact with others and express yourself.
Test 10

Test 10

It is time to test your knowledge. We will be doing a number of exercises on the things we learned during the first module. good Luck!
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