Programa Francés : B2 Nivel Fancés

El objetivo del programa de francés intermedio B2 es comprender el contenido esencial de temas concretos o abstractos en un texto complejo, comunicarse de manera espontánea y fluida con un hablante nativo, además de expresarse de manera clara y detallada sobre una amplia variedad de temas tales como los negocios, las redes sociales, la censura, la industria y el medio ambiente, etc.

Módulo 1 (Francés de negocios)
Mercado de Valores y Uso Indebido de Información Privilegiada

Mercado de Valores y Uso Indebido de Información Privilegiada

This topic will cover : What is a Stock Market?, Case Study: The Lehman Brothers, Insider Trading. Case Study: Martha Stewart and exercises.
Vocabulario de Contabilidad

Vocabulario de Contabilidad

This topic will cover : Commonly Used Words In Accounting and exercises based on it.
Administración de dinero

Administración de dinero

This topic will cover: Introduction, Tips For Money Management, Getting Your Budget Back On Track, Tax Management and Tax Havens.
Operaciones bancarias

Operaciones bancarias

This topic will cover : Banks and Banking, Banking Terminology and exercises based on it.
Cartas de rechazo

Cartas de rechazo

This topic will cover : What is a Regret Letter?, Writing a Regret Letter, Tips For Writing a Regret Letter, Condolence Letter, Leave Letter and Regret Letter For Turning Down A Loan Application.
Ejercicio 1

Ejercicio 1

Here you will practice topics covered from 1 to 5.
Types of Job Interview-Part I

Types of Job Interview-Part I

This topic will cover : Job Interviews and Types of Job Interviews.
Tipos de Entrevista Laboral - Parte 2

Tipos de Entrevista Laboral - Parte 2

This topic will cover : Job Interview and Types of Job Interview.
Preparación para una entrevista

Preparación para una entrevista

This topic will cover : Vocabulary, Introduction and 5 steps involved in preparing for the interview.
Simulacro de entrevista - Ejercicios sobre lo que hay que hacer y lo que no en un proceso de entrevista

Simulacro de entrevista - Ejercicios sobre lo que hay que hacer y lo que no en un proceso de entrevista

Here you will practice the combination of writing exercises centred around job interviews.


This topic will cover : What Are Appraisals?, Objectives Of Performance Appraisal, Types Of Appraisals, Advantages and Legal Issues.
Seguimiento después de una entrevista

Seguimiento después de una entrevista

This topic will cover : How To Follow Up After The Job Interview, A Thank You Note, Checking In and Stay In Touch.
Ejercicio 2

Ejercicio 2

Here we will practice topics covered from 7 to 12.
Lenguaje Corporal

Lenguaje Corporal

This topic will cover : What is body language? and Some expressions we use every day with meaning and example.
Abreviaciones (Negocios)

Abreviaciones (Negocios)

This topic will cover : What are abbreviations and acronyms? Why do we use them in business? Some common acronyms used worldwide, Common abbreviations relevant to departments and General business abbreviations.
Escribiendo un Correo de Negocios

Escribiendo un Correo de Negocios

This topic will cover : The Importance of Effective Business Emails and Writing Tips for it.
Comunicación eficaz

Comunicación eficaz

This topic will cover : What is effective communication? Why is it important? What makes it difficult to communicate effectively? How does one improve communication skills?
Servicio al Cliente

Servicio al Cliente

This topic will cover : What is Customer Service? Why are Customer Service representatives or Officers Needed in an Organisation? Qualities of a Customer Service Representative. Customer Services for the Differently Abled. Role Play Conversations in...
Ejercicio 3

Ejercicio 3

Here you will practice last 5 topics covered.
Prueba 1

Prueba 1

Here you will give the test for topics 1 to 19.
Módulo 2 (Educación)
Blogs publicados por estudiantes o profesores

Blogs publicados por estudiantes o profesores

This topic will cover : Types of Blog Posts, Getting Started With Blogging, Should High School Students Be Blogging? Advantages & Disadvantages of Blogging.
Programa de Intercambio Estudiantil

Programa de Intercambio Estudiantil

This topic will cover : What is Student Exchange Program?, Kinds of Student Exchange Program, Challenges, Benefits and Conclusion
Año Sabático

Año Sabático

This topic will cover : Meaning of Gap Year, Importance and Popular Destinations, Types of Activities done in a Gap Year and Experience.
Educadores (Profesores, tutores, gurús, rabinos, pastores, etc.)

Educadores (Profesores, tutores, gurús, rabinos, pastores, etc.)

This topic will cover : Introduction, Types of educators and exercises.


This topic will cover : Need and Importance of Student Seminars, 5 Helpful Steps To Conduct A Successful And Smooth-running Seminar and Effective Public Speaking.
Ejercicio 4

Ejercicio 4

Here you will practice topics covered from 21 to 25.
History of Education (Schools in Egypt in the Middle Kingdom to Plato's Academy in Athens) (Use words like despite, consequently etc.)

History of Education (Schools in Egypt in the Middle Kingdom to Plato's Academy in Athens) (Use words like despite, consequently etc.)

This topic will cover : Introduction, Prehistoric And Primitive Education, Education In The Middle East, Greece, Rome and Asia, Education In The Middle Ages, In the 16th, 17th, 18th and 20th Century.
Modos de Aprendizaje

Modos de Aprendizaje

This topic will cover : Learning Modalities, Need for different Learning Styles and The Different Learning Styles.
Mejores Universidades

Mejores Universidades

This topic will cover : Introduction, Harvard University, Oxford University, University of Cambridge, University of Melbourne and Peking University.


This topic will cover : What Are Internships? Types Of Internships, Pros & Cons Of Internships.
Errores en Español que pueden lastimar tus oídos

Errores en Español que pueden lastimar tus oídos

This topic will cover : Common Mistakes Made in French with exercises.
Ejercicio 5

Ejercicio 5

Here you will practice topics covered from 27 to 31.
Documental Educativo

Documental Educativo

This topic will cover : Introduction, Learning With Documentary Films and Strategies to Engage Students.
Juego de Rol sobre Voz Pasiva

Juego de Rol sobre Voz Pasiva

This topic will focus on: Recap Of Passive Voices, Role Play On Passive Voices and Exercises.
Trabajo en el Campus

Trabajo en el Campus

This topic will cover : What Is On Campus Employment? When Can A Student Work On Campus? Reasons Why Getting A Job On Campus Is A Good Idea and Reasons Why A Student Might Not Want To Take Up An On-Campus Job.
Breve ensaño crítico sobre disciplina en algunas escuelas

Breve ensaño crítico sobre disciplina en algunas escuelas

This topic will cover : Introduction, Two Sides, Same Coin, Impact On Teachers and Case Studies.
El Precio de la Educación

El Precio de la Educación

This topic will cover : The Cost Of Education, Student Loans and Exercises.
Exercise 6

Exercise 6

Here you will practice topics covered from 33 to 37.
Prueba 2

Prueba 2

Here you will give test for topics covered from 21 to 38.
Módulo 3 (Artes)
Mundo de la Animación

Mundo de la Animación

This topic will cover : What is Animation?, Difference Between Animation And Video, History of Animation and Types Of Animation and Significance of Animation.
Trazos de Pincel

Trazos de Pincel

This topic will cover : Materials needed for various art forms and their use and Exercises.
Arte en la comida

Arte en la comida

This topic will cover : Is food an art? How do people make food look too good to eat?, Food Plating, Cake Design as an art, Chocolate Sculpting and Molecular Gastronomy.
Ataque artístico

Ataque artístico

This topic will cover : An overview of the mysterious art world, Glimpse of the Most Expensive Art Work in the World, Some prominent Mysteries and Conspiracies in the Art World and Accidental Damage to Art Caused by Visitors.
Premio Nobel de Literatura

Premio Nobel de Literatura

This topic will cover : What is the Nobel prize?, Significance of the Nobel Prize for Literature, Youngest and Oldest Recipients, First Woman Recipient and Authors Who Declined the Nobel Prize.
Ejercicio 7

Ejercicio 7

Here you will practice topics covered from 40 to 44.
Artes Marciales como un tipo de arte y su importancia en nuestras vidas

Artes Marciales como un tipo de arte y su importancia en nuestras vidas

This topic will cover : What do Martial Arts Comprise of?, History of Martial Arts?and How Martial Arts Help in Areas of Self-Confidence, Self-Defence, Self-Discipline, Fitness, Co-Ordination and Building Friendship.
Arte Corporal

Arte Corporal

This topic will cover : Body Art- An Introduction, Tattoos, Body Painting, Henna, Piercings and Scalpelling.
Escuelas de Arte Famosas alrededor del mundo

Escuelas de Arte Famosas alrededor del mundo

This topic will cover : Why Art Schools? What Makes A Great Art School? Rhode Island School of Design: U.S.A. Edinburgh College Of Art, Scotland National School of Fine Arts - Paris, France Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design - London,...
Bytes de Sonido (Entrevista con personalidades de la industria musical)

Bytes de Sonido (Entrevista con personalidades de la industria musical)

This topic will cover : Excerpts from Interviews with People in the Music Industry and The Use of Prediction in these Interviews.
Artes en casa

Artes en casa

This topic will cover : Introduction, Murals, Accent Walls, Paint Swatches, Rugs And Carpets and Upholstery.
Ejercicio 8

Ejercicio 8

Here you will practice topics covered from 46 to 50.
Artistas Excéntricos

Artistas Excéntricos

This topic will cover : Introduction, Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali, Jackson Pollock and Banksy.
Cuando / Como / Eso

Cuando / Como / Eso

This topic will focus on: When / As / That and exercises.
Artes Digitales

Artes Digitales

This topic will cover : Introduction, Digital Art Forms, Advantages of Digital Art and Exercise.
Artistas Controversiales

Artistas Controversiales

This topic will cover : Art as a Representation of Humanity, Glimpse of Some Controversial Artists and their Work and Exercises.
Arte Comercial

Arte Comercial

This topic will cover : Introduction, Genres Or Art Techniques, Difference Between Commercial Art And Fine Art, Pop Art and Exercises.
Ejercicio 9

Ejercicio 9

Here you will practice topics covered from 52 to 56.
Prueba 3

Prueba 3

Here you will give test for topics covered from 40 to 57.
Módulo 4 (Películas)
Piratería y Descarga Ilegal

Piratería y Descarga Ilegal

This topic will cover : Piracy And Illegal Downloading- An Introduction, The Illegal, Downloading Debate, Consequences Of Piracy And Illegal Downloading and The Future.
Cine Paralelo

Cine Paralelo

This topic will cover : Introduction, Parallel Cinema In Different Parts Of The Globe and Exercises.
Censura en las películas

Censura en las películas

This topic will cover : What Is Censorship?, Censorship In Films, Banning Movies, Censorship- Yea Or Nay and Dialogue Between Two Moms.
Cine Mundial

Cine Mundial

This topic will cover : Cinema From Around The Globe and Exercises.
Ejercicio 10

Ejercicio 10

Here you will practice topics covered from 59 to 63.
Historia de la Filmación

Historia de la Filmación

This topic will cover : A brief history of filmmaking and Exercises.
Sub-Industrias del Cine

Sub-Industrias del Cine

This topic will cover : Some common sub-industries in the film industry and Exercises.
Cláusulas relativas (Ejercicios)

Cláusulas relativas (Ejercicios)

This topic will cover : Exercises based on relative clauses.
El crecimiento de los medios de transmisión

El crecimiento de los medios de transmisión

This topic will cover : What Is Streaming Media?, The Rise Of Streaming Media, Advantages, Challenges & Other Applications Of Online Streaming.
Soy una Super Estrella (Plática sobre lo que harías si fueras una estrella de cine)

Soy una Super Estrella (Plática sobre lo que harías si fueras una estrella de cine)

This topic will cover : Exercises based on superstardom.
Ejercicio 11

Ejercicio 11

Here you will practice topics covered from 65 to 69.
Qué, Cuál

Qué, Cuál

This topic will focus on: Learn to distinguish between which (s), what (s), and the exercises.
Primeras películas en movimiento

Primeras películas en movimiento

This topic will cover : The History Of Motion Pictures, Woodville Latham, Auguste and Louis Lumière and Exercises.
La Era del Cine Mudo

La Era del Cine Mudo

This topic will cover : Silent Movies – An Introduction, Intertitles., Musical Scores and Acting Techniques In The Silent Era, Tinting, Examples and The Loss Of Silent Movies.
Películas Educativas

Películas Educativas

This topic will cover : Introduction, Significance Of Educational Films, Benefits To Educators And Teachers, Criticisms and Challenges of Using Films As A Form Of Education, Examples Of Educational Documentaries and The Future Of Education And Films.
Películas de Aficionados

Películas de Aficionados

This topic will cover : Fan Films- What Are They?, Imitation Is The Greatest Form Of Flattery, Why Make A Fan Film?, Copyright Issues, Examples of Fan Films and Did You Know?
Ejercicio 12

Ejercicio 12

Here you will practice topics covered from 71 to 75.
Prueba 4

Prueba 4

Here you will give test for the topics covered from 59 to 76.
Módulo 5 (Libros y literatura)
Poetas famosos

Poetas famosos

This topic will cover : Reading activities on William Wordsworth, Blake and exercises.


This topic will cover : Conversational-enacting a drama piece and exercises.
La posición de los adverbios en la oración

La posición de los adverbios en la oración

This topic will cover : The position of the adverbs in the sentence and exercises.
Musicales de Broadway

Musicales de Broadway

This topic will cover : Spoken Production activities on Broadway Musicals and exercises based on it.
Apreciación poética

Apreciación poética

This topic will cover : Spoken interaction activities on Poetry appreciation and exercises.
Ejercicio 13

Ejercicio 13

Here you will practice topics covered from 78 to 82.
Obra de Shakespeare

Obra de Shakespeare

This topic will cover : Works of Shakespeare and spoken production exercises based on it.
Óperas (Literatura en la Ópera)

Óperas (Literatura en la Ópera)

This topic will cover : Literature in Operas and reading exercises.
Películas y Literatura (Adaptaciones famosas de obras literarias al cine)

Películas y Literatura (Adaptaciones famosas de obras literarias al cine)

This topic will cover : Movie adaptations of famous literary works-"One flew over the cuckoo's nest, Pride and Prejudice, Les Misérables and Exercises.
Cosplay (Vestirse como personajes de cómic)

Cosplay (Vestirse como personajes de cómic)

This topic will cover : Dressing up as comic characters and exercises.
Su - Sus

Su - Sus

This topic will focus on: Learn to distinguish between their and theirs and exercises.
Ejercicio 14

Ejercicio 14

Here you will practice topics covered from 84 to 88.
Juegos de Palabras

Juegos de Palabras

This topic will cover : Some puns and exercises.
¿Por qué los niños necesitan leer libros?

¿Por qué los niños necesitan leer libros?

This topic will cover : Child motivation, Parents encouragement, libraries, free bookstores, book exchange programs, Government grants and exercises.
Libertad de expresión a través de los libros

Libertad de expresión a través de los libros

This topic will cover : Censorship in books and having a discussion and exercises.
Interpretación de un libro

Interpretación de un libro

This topic will cover : A book read by the student and exercises.
Hogares de íconos literarios

Hogares de íconos literarios

This topic will cover : Homes/towns/Museums which are turned into places of historical interest and Exercises.
Ejercicio 15

Ejercicio 15

Here you will practice topics covered from 90 to 94.
Prueba 5

Prueba 5

Here you will give test for topics covered from 78 to 95.
Módulo 6 (Estilo de vida)
Objetos lujosos

Objetos lujosos

In this session, we will cover: Luxury Items like Yacht, Watches, Phones, Cars and Exercises.
Mascotas exóticas

Mascotas exóticas

In this session, we will cover Different types of pets and exercises.
Marcas que sugieren éxito

Marcas que sugieren éxito

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production on brands that spell success like Gucci, Prada, Ashton Martin, Patek Phillipe,Chopard and exercices.
Uber - Estancias Lujosas

Uber - Estancias Lujosas

In this session, we will cover: Listening activity with detailed information about Uber Luxurious stay like expensive hotels including island stay,castle and exercices.
Escribir sobre un estilo de vida lujoso

Escribir sobre un estilo de vida lujoso

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity about people around such as your friends, family and you with exercises.
Ejercicio 16

Ejercicio 16

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Seguro de vida

Seguro de vida

In this session, we will cover: Reading activity on lifestyle and its effects on insurance for different people like smoker, occupation-firefighter, celebrities with exercises.
El arte de dar

El arte de dar

In this session, we will cover: Spoken interaction and spoken activities with exercises.
Viviendo orgánicamente

Viviendo orgánicamente

This session covers listening activities and exercises.
Terapia del color

Terapia del color

Color Therapy, también conocida como cromoterapia, es un interesante curso de francés en línea sobre el tratamiento de dolencias mediante el uso del color. Arroja luz sobre el uso de energías de los colores que nos rodean. Conozca la historia de las...
Modismos - Parte II

Modismos - Parte II

In this session, we will cover: Different Idiomatic expressions and contains some writing activity with exercises.
Ejercicio 17

Ejercicio 17

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Capitales de la Moda Mundiales

Capitales de la Moda Mundiales

This topic will focus on: defining the capital of fashion and its influence, a glimpse of some of the world's fashion capitals and exercises.
Cómo evadir momentos incómodos

Cómo evadir momentos incómodos

This topic will focus on: what are the social blunders? A glimpse of some socially awkward situations and how to avoid them? and exercises.
Estilo vs Comodidad

Estilo vs Comodidad

In this session, we will cover: Spoken activity and Linkers: although, in spite of, despite with exercises.
¿Cuál es tu estilo?

¿Cuál es tu estilo?

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity about different style of different people Eg: Fashionista or Shabby chic- describe what style suits you most and why and exercises.
Ropa del Futuro

Ropa del Futuro

In this session, we will cover: Spoken activity about Changing fashion w.r.t technology-clothes tagging, GPS outfits, smart clothes,"owlet" smart sock with exercises.
Ejercicio 18

Ejercicio 18

Aquí practicarás temas cubiertos del curso 109 al 113.
Prueba 6

Prueba 6

This test will cover: All the topics learnt in module 6.
Módulo 7 (Global Noticias eventos)
9/11 (El ataque a las Torres Gemelas el 11 de Septiembre de 2001)

9/11 (El ataque a las Torres Gemelas el 11 de Septiembre de 2001)

In this session we will cover: Listening practise on the topic, the attacks of 9/11(the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001), and exercises.
Ataque a Pearl Harbor

Ataque a Pearl Harbor

In this session we will cover: writing practise on the events that led up to it, and the events following it, along with exercises.
Asesinato del Archiduque Franz Ferdinand

Asesinato del Archiduque Franz Ferdinand

In this session we will cover: Reading practise on (Archduke of Austro-Hungarian Empire & Royal Prince of Hungary & Bohemia. His assassination precipitated Austria-Hungary's declaration of war against Serbia. This eventually led to World War 1.) and exercises.
Adolf Hitler

Adolf Hitler

In this session, we will cover: spoken interaction practise on Adolf Hitler, use of 'would', expressing habits in the past, and exercises.
Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King

In this session, we will cover: spoken production practise on 'Martin Luther King' and his dream, and exercises.
Ejercicio 19

Ejercicio 19

In this session, we will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Muerte de Diana, Princesa de Gáles

Muerte de Diana, Princesa de Gáles

In this session we will cover: spoken production activity on the death of Diana, princess of Wales, and exercises.
Asesinato de John F. Kennedy

Asesinato de John F. Kennedy

In this session we will cover: Reading practise on the assassination of John .F. Kennedy, along with exercises.
Sufragio femenino

Sufragio femenino

In this session we will cover: writing practise on Women's Suffrage, along with exercises.
Apolo 11

Apolo 11

In this session we will cover: listening practise on a dialogue between Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, Documentary along with exercises.
¡La Beatlemania!

¡La Beatlemania!

In this session we will cover: Spoken interaction activity on the Use of Phrasal Verbs, along with exercises.
Ejercicio 20

Ejercicio 20

This exercise, will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Protestas en Plaza Tiananmen de 1989

Protestas en Plaza Tiananmen de 1989

In this session, we will cover: Reading practice on the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 along with exercises.
Hundimiento del Titanic

Hundimiento del Titanic

In this session we will cover: written practise on the Sinking of the RMS Titanic, along with exercises.
Red Informática Mundial (WWW)

Red Informática Mundial (WWW)

In this session we will cover: spoken interaction practise on World Wide Web, its creation and popularity, along with exercises.
La Caída del Muro de Berlín

La Caída del Muro de Berlín

In this session we will cover: listening practice on the documentary on  The Fall of the Berlin Wall, along with exercises.
Colapso de la URSS

Colapso de la URSS

In this session we will cover: spoken production practise on the collapse of the USSR, along with exercises.
Ejercicio 21

Ejercicio 21

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Prueba 7

Prueba 7

This test will cover: all the topics learnt in module 7.
Módulo 8 (Medio ambiente)
Problemas ambientales

Problemas ambientales

In this session, we will cover: Listening activity on top 10 issues our environment is facing like pollution, population, climate change, ozone layer depletion with exercises.


In this session, we will cover: Spoken activity about pollution and its effects with exercises.
Ser Verde

Ser Verde

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production activity about what are the alternate options for Go Green and how effective are they with exercises.
Desastres ambientales causados por el hombre

Desastres ambientales causados por el hombre

In this session, we will cover: Reading activity about the Chernobyl explosion, Pollution of the Ganges, Nagasaki bombing, Bhopal gas tragedy, Kuwait oil fires, "door to hell", with exercises.
Sanar el Mundo

Sanar el Mundo

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity about your part in saving the planet- eco-friendly bags, clothes, etc with exercises.
Ejercicio 22

Ejercicio 22

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Resultados económicos del daño global

Resultados económicos del daño global

In this session, we will cover: Spoken activity about Economic results of Global damage with exercises.
Huella del Carbono

Huella del Carbono

In this session, we will cover: Listening activity about Carbon Footprint with exercises.
Se ha ido para siempre - Parte 1

Se ha ido para siempre - Parte 1

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production activity on some extinct and endangered animals and birds with exercises.
Casas ecológicas

Casas ecológicas

In this session, we will cover: Reading activity on the topic Eco-friendly homes with exercises.
Pretérito imperfecto

Pretérito imperfecto

This topic will focus on: Revision of the past-compound, Revision of the imperfect and the Exercises.
Ejercicio 23

Ejercicio 23

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Efecto Invernadero

Efecto Invernadero

In this session, we will cover: Listening activity on the topic Greenhouse effects with exercises.
Ecosistema Marino

Ecosistema Marino

In this session, we will cover: Spoken interaction activity on Marine Ecosystem with exercises.


In this session, we will cover: Reading activity on recycling with exercises.
Se ha ido para siempre - Parte 2

Se ha ido para siempre - Parte 2

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production activity on some extinct and endangered plants, trees with exercises.
Pasado Perfecto - Continuo - Narrativo y Tiempo Futuro

Pasado Perfecto - Continuo - Narrativo y Tiempo Futuro

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity on a Grammar topic with exercises.
Ejercicio 24

Ejercicio 24

This exercice will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Prueba 8

Prueba 8

This test will cover: all topics from in module 8.
Módulo 9 (Media)
¿Las redes sociales están creando introvertidos o promoviendo conductas asociales?

¿Las redes sociales están creando introvertidos o promoviendo conductas asociales?

In this session, we will cover : Listening activity about social media creating introverts/promoting antisocial behavior? with exercises.
Celebridades - Encabezados pegajosos

Celebridades - Encabezados pegajosos

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production activity on Celebrities, catchy headlines with exercises.
Personas en línea completament distintas a la realidad

Personas en línea completament distintas a la realidad

In this session, we will cover: Reading activity on the topic Online personas completely different from reality with exercises.
Descanso de las redes sociales

Descanso de las redes sociales

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity on a topic like can you take a vacation from all forms of media- write what you would do and how you would escape temptation with exercises.
Represión mediática

Represión mediática

In this session, we will cover: Spoken Interaction activity about Whatsapp in Brazil, Google in China with exercises.
Ejercicio 25

Ejercicio 25

This exercise will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Magnates de los medios

Magnates de los medios

In this session, we will cover: Reading activity about Media Moguls with exercises.
Bares y restaurantes temáticos

Bares y restaurantes temáticos

In this session, we will cover: Spoken production activity on different Movie, TV shows like Friends, Breaking bad etc with exercises.
Conductores de Noticias Famosos

Conductores de Noticias Famosos

In this session, we will cover: Listening comprehension on Old News Cast with exercises.
Escándalos de Celebridades

Escándalos de Celebridades

In this session, we will cover: Spoken interaction activity on Celebrity Shockers like suicides, divorces, breakups, rehab, alcohol and drug abuse with exercises.
Noche de Premios

Noche de Premios

In this session, we will cover: Writing activity on Award Night highlights of the Grammy's/ Emmy's/Screen Actors Guild/BAFTA/Cannes with exercises.
Ejercicio 26

Ejercicio 26

This exercice will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Adquisiciones mediáticas - Antes y ahora

Adquisiciones mediáticas - Antes y ahora

This session will cover : reading practice on Media Takeovers (Google-Facebook, Yahoo-Verizon, Facebook-Instagram....) along with exercises.
Mira tus palabras

Mira tus palabras

Learn about how scandals, celebrity stories and social media affect us. Also, get an understanding of the overuse of social media and how life would be without media presence. Take the English language course with Albert Learning by visiting our website,...
Hacer o deshacer

Hacer o deshacer

This session will cover: spoken practice on (role of media in making or breaking individual/ organisations, etc...) and exercises.
¿Las redes sociales son responsables de denigrar las habilidades periodísticas?

¿Las redes sociales son responsables de denigrar las habilidades periodísticas?

This session will cover: listening practice on a conversation on Is social media responsible for denigrating our journalistic skills?
Redes sociales y su influencia en la salud

Redes sociales y su influencia en la salud

This session will cover: Spoken practise on ( Carpal tunnel syndrome, Repetitive Stress Injury [RSI]....) along with exercises.
Ejercicio 27

Ejercicio 27

This exercise will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Prueba 9

Prueba 9

This test will cover: all topics learned from module 9.
Módulo 10 (Desarrollos de la ciencia y la ciencia)


This topic will cover : Galaxies, Dark matter, Planets and exercises.
Impresión 3D

Impresión 3D

This topic will cover : Introduction, Advantages of 3-D Printing and exercises.


This topic will cover : Writing activity on researching a topic online.


This topic will cover : Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages of Cloning and exercises.
Discovery of Descubrimiento de la penicilina

Discovery of Descubrimiento de la penicilina

This topic will cover : Introduction, Alexander Fleming and exercises.
Ejercicio 28

Ejercicio 28

This exercise will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Investigación de células madre

Investigación de células madre

This topic will cover : Introduction, Benefits and exercises.
Ética en la Bioética

Ética en la Bioética

This topic will cover : Designer babies, cloning, medically assisted suicide, abortion, surrogacy and exercises.
Avance en el manejo de enfermedades

Avance en el manejo de enfermedades

This topic will cover : Breakthroughs in disease management and exercises.
Teorías científicas

Teorías científicas

This topic will cover : Occam's Razor, Schrodinger's Cat and exercises.
Locos hechos científicos

Locos hechos científicos

This topic will cover : Few Crazy scientific facts and exercises.
Ejercicio 29

Ejercicio 29

This exercise will cover: last 5 topics learnt.


This topic will cover : Introduction, Nanotechnology and exercises.
Tarjetas sobre Ciencia

Tarjetas sobre Ciencia

This topic will cover : An exercise based on the topic.
Opciones de dieta: ¿Sensibles o científicas?

Opciones de dieta: ¿Sensibles o científicas?

This topic will cover : Diet choices: Sensible or scientific? and exercises.
Ciencia en la guerra

Ciencia en la guerra

This topic will cover : Spy technology, Drones, Heat missiles and exercises.
Ciencia forense

Ciencia forense

This topic will cover : Introduction of Forensic science and exercise.
Ejercicio 30

Ejercicio 30

This exercise will cover: last 5 topics learnt.
Prueba 10

Prueba 10

This test will cover: all topics learned from module 10.
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