Programma Francese : Livello B1 Francese

Il livello B1 è chiamato il livello "soglia". L'obiettivo di questo livello è quello di produrre frasi più complesse e coerenti su argomenti familiari allo studente e per comprendere i punti essenziali di una discussione utilizzando una lingua semplice e standard. I nostri corsi di francese online sono strutturati per arricchire e migliorare il vocabolario su argomenti come la letteratura, l'intrattenimento, la scienza, l'arte e il giornalismo. Gli argomenti di grammatica includono: tipi di frasi, proposte relative, frasi avverbiali, diversi tipi di determinanti, ecc.

Modulo 1 (libri e letteratura)
Libri Parte 1 - tipi di libri nel corso degli anni.

Libri Parte 1 - tipi di libri nel corso degli anni.

This topic will cover : Books before the printing press era, Books during and after the ‘Printing Press’ era. Audiobooks and E-Books.
Libri Parte II - tipi di libri dopo la stampa Press Era

Libri Parte II - tipi di libri dopo la stampa Press Era

Books Part II - Types of Books After Printing Press Era
Passaggio di comprensione (passaggi con avverbi)

Passaggio di comprensione (passaggi con avverbi)

In this session, we will cover: How do adverbs affect written paragraphs?, Read and answer questions using passages, combination of exercises to recognise adverbs in the text.
Prenota il mio spettacolo (adattamenti cinematografici di libri)

Prenota il mio spettacolo (adattamenti cinematografici di libri)

In this session, we will cover: What is the meaning of ‘book adaptations’?, the most memorable book adaptations across the world (fiction and non-fiction), some Bad and Good Book Adaptations.
Benji-Il libro e Karen-il Kindle (conversazione tra un libro e il Kindle ... tecnologia Libri v / s).

Benji-Il libro e Karen-il Kindle (conversazione tra un libro e il Kindle ... tecnologia Libri v / s).

In this session we will cover: Benji the Book and Karen the Kindle are talking about what they are, which is better Benji or Karen? what the characters inside Benji have to say about Benji and Karen.
Scrittura Sommario

Scrittura Sommario

In this session, we will cover: What is Summary Writing?, importance and Use of Summary Writing, exercises in Summary Writing.
Esercizio 1

Esercizio 1

This exercise will cover the last 6 topics learnt.
New age legge (blog, recensioni, ghostwriter, liberi professionisti ....)

New age legge (blog, recensioni, ghostwriter, liberi professionisti ....)

In this session we will cover: What are blogs, and vlogs?, who are professional ghost-writers?, who are freelance writers?, who are book reviewers? with exercises.
Velocità di lettura (come velocità di lettura ... tecniche ...)

Velocità di lettura (come velocità di lettura ... tecniche ...)

In this session, we will cover: Meaning of Speed Reading and importance, types of Reading, speed reading techniques, advantages and disadvantages.
Scaletta frase

Scaletta frase

This session will cover: Why it is it Important to Write Good Sentences? exercises on Sentence Building.
Festival letterari (festival letteratura di tutto il mondo)

Festival letterari (festival letteratura di tutto il mondo)

What is a Literary Festival? Some Famous Literary Festivals Around the World with exercises.
Libri per bambini tutti i tempi preferiti

Libri per bambini tutti i tempi preferiti

In this session, we will cover: What is children’s literature? Why are children’s books important? A look at some timeless children’s stories with exercises.
Esercizio 2

Esercizio 2

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Forme di Poesia (Lyrics Stanza, Sonetti,, Ballad ...)

Forme di Poesia (Lyrics Stanza, Sonetti,, Ballad ...)

This session will cover: Vocabulary, What is poetry? Different forms of poetry, Famous poets with exercises.
Il Booker Prize (Nomine per il Booker Prize)

Il Booker Prize (Nomine per il Booker Prize)

This session will cover: Vocabulary, introduction to the Man Booker prize, judging process of the prize, role play, Point of Contention, Related Awards with Exercise.
Il mio libro preferito (scrivere del mio libro preferito)

Il mio libro preferito (scrivere del mio libro preferito)

In this session, we will cover: Vocabulary, Steps to decide your favourite book with Exercises.
Frasi avverbiali di laurea, misura, probabilità

Frasi avverbiali di laurea, misura, probabilità

In this session, we will cover: What is an Adverbial Phrase?, Adverbial phrases of degree, extent and probability with Exercises.
Impressioni durevoli (autori che hanno fatto un impatto con la loro scrittura)

Impressioni durevoli (autori che hanno fatto un impatto con la loro scrittura)

In this session, we will cover: Vocabulary, Introduction, Influential writers (according to genres) with Exercises.
Esercizio 3

Esercizio 3

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 1

Test 1

This test will cover all the topics learnt in module 1.
Module 2 (Divertimento)
Forme di intrattenimento

Forme di intrattenimento

In this session, we will cover: What is entertainment and why is it important? types and forms of Entertainment and exercises.
Intrattenimento nelle precedenti Ages

Intrattenimento nelle precedenti Ages

This session will cover: Evolution of entertainment from Ancient to Medieval ages, Types of Medieval Entertainment, Entertainment during the Industrial Revolution, Entertainment in the late 1800's and Exercises.
Le parole invariabili

Le parole invariabili

This topic will focus on: What is indirect speech? Ask questions and report a speech with exercises.
Il club risate

Il club risate

In this session, we will cover: Laughter- What Is It? Laughter Is Indeed The Best Medicine, Comedy: Stand Up Comedians, Satire, Television Sitcoms and Exercises.
Gaming - Divertente & Educative

Gaming - Divertente & Educative

This session will cover: Popularity of video games, especially as a teaching tool, What makes games fun and educational? A glimpse of some popular games, Parental Tips and Exercises.
Esercizio 4

Esercizio 4

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
I Grammy (The Music Awards Grammy annuale)

I Grammy (The Music Awards Grammy annuale)

In this session, we will cover: What Is A Grammy Award? History Of The Grammy's, The First Award Ceremony, The Trophy, Categories Of Awards, First Grammy Winners, Facts About The Grammy's and Exercises.
Intrattenere Cities (tutto il mondo)

Intrattenere Cities (tutto il mondo)

In this session we will cover: Why do people travel? A look at some cities where entertainment meets culture and Exercises.
Disintossicazione dello schermo

Disintossicazione dello schermo

In this session, we will cover: What Is A Screen Detox? Importance Of Screen Detox. Steps Towards Screen Detox and Exercises.
Gli omofoni

Gli omofoni

This topic focus on: What are the homophones? à et a / Son et sont / Et, est with exercises.
La frase complessa

La frase complessa

This topic focus on: juxtaposition, coordination, subordination with exercises.
Esercizio 5

Esercizio 5

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Storytelling (dare un contorno di una storia e li hanno crearlo)

Storytelling (dare un contorno di una storia e li hanno crearlo)

In this session, we will cover: Introduction, Steps To Tell A Great Story, Story Outline and exercise.
New Entertainment età (Netflix, Internet, cellulari, Smart TV di ...)

New Entertainment età (Netflix, Internet, cellulari, Smart TV di ...)

In this session, we will cover: Changing Trends in the Entertainment Industry, Emergence of New and Growth of Existing Entertainment Channels, A Glimpse of Trending Entertainment Online and Mobile Apps and exercise.
obbligazioni Spettacolo persone

obbligazioni Spettacolo persone

In this session, we will cover: Introduction, Importance Of Entertainment, Connecting Through Entertainment and Exercises.


This topic focus on: punctuation with exercises.
Esercizi su Present Tense

Esercizi su Present Tense

This topic focus on: Exercise on the 1st group, exercise on the 2nd group, exercise on the 3rd Group and exercise on the negative form.
Esercizio 6

Esercizio 6

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 2

Test 2

This test will cover all the topics in module 2.
Modulo 3 (Attività ricreative)


This topic will cover : Vocabulary, Introduction, Tournaments , Team of The Year, Top 12 Players (Men & Women), World cup, Role play and Exercise.
Le estensioni di frasi

Le estensioni di frasi

This topic will focus on: What are the extensions of sentences ?, What is the purpose of phrase extensions? Extensions of sentences as adjectives, as adverbs, and as articles with exercises.
Giochi virtuali (giochi per computer, X-Box, PS4 ...)

Giochi virtuali (giochi per computer, X-Box, PS4 ...)

This topic will cover : Introduction to Virtual gaming, Xbox, PlayStation, Virtual Reality Games for the PC, Online Virtual Games and Exercises.


This topic will cover : Introduction to Horse Riding, Horse Riding Equipment, Techniques, Types of Horse Riding Sports and Exercises.
Parchi a tema futuristico

Parchi a tema futuristico

This topic will cover : What Is A Theme Park?, Examples Of Futuristic Theme Parks and Exercises.
Esercizio 7

Esercizio 7

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
le collocazioni

le collocazioni

This topic focus on: What is a collocation? Types of adjective collocations with exercises.
Tour de France

Tour de France

This topic will cover : What is Le Tour de France about?, History of Tours de France, Route—It’s Predictability and Public Reception and Some Memorable Wins.
Consigli Gardening- e vantaggi

Consigli Gardening- e vantaggi

This topic will cover : Gardening Tools and their use, How to Plan a Good Garden Outside your Home?, Glimpse of Some Benefits of Gardening and Exercises.
Spoilsport (Un dialogo tra due gemelli, in cui si ama tutti gli sport di cose, e l'altro ama giochi, computer ...)

Spoilsport (Un dialogo tra due gemelli, in cui si ama tutti gli sport di cose, e l'altro ama giochi, computer ...)

This topic will cover : Introducing The Characters, Role Play: How Much Is Too Much? and Exercises.
Come funziona il tempo libero influenzare la nostra qualità della vita?

Come funziona il tempo libero influenzare la nostra qualità della vita?

This topic will cover : Changing Perception of Time, Shift to Less Physical Activity, Physical Benefits of Recreation, How Does Leisure Lower Stress and Depression?, Does Quality of Life Improve by Participating in Leisure Activities?, Recreational Therapy.
Esercizio 8

Esercizio 8

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Un viaggio a Disneyland

Un viaggio a Disneyland

This topic will cover : Disney And Disneyland in different countries.
Copywriter in un'agenzia di viaggi

Copywriter in un'agenzia di viaggi

This topic will cover : Introduction and Brochures.
Into the Wild: uno scorcio di fauna selvatica e natura selvaggia

Into the Wild: uno scorcio di fauna selvatica e natura selvaggia

This topic will cover : The Importance of Wildlife and Wilderness areas, Glimpse of Some Wilderness Areas on Our Planet and Exercises.


This topic will cover : Introduction and Best places to Ski.
Sciopero 10 (All About bowling)

Sciopero 10 (All About bowling)

This topic will cover : Introduction To Bowling, Role Play: All About Bowling and Exercises.
Esercizio 9

Esercizio 9

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 3

Test 3

Here you will give test for topics covered in Module 3.
Modulo 4 (Film)
Generi di film

Generi di film

This topic covers: What is a movie genre? Glimpse of some movie genres and examples with Exercises.
I Like to MOV (i) E E-Come fare un film?

I Like to MOV (i) E E-Come fare un film?

This topic covers: What is film-making?, 10 Steps to Making a Good Movie with Exercises.
Cinema Film Amministrazione Mondo

Cinema Film Amministrazione Mondo

This topic covers: A Glimpse of Some Famous Directors, Their Styles and Films with Exercises.
I verbi pronominali

I verbi pronominali

This topic focus on: pronominal verbs with exercises.
Iconic - A Glimpse di Cultura Popolare

Iconic - A Glimpse di Cultura Popolare

This topic covers: What makes people or things cultural icons?, Memorable Popular Culture Icons with Exercises.
Esercizio 10

Esercizio 10

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Il tappeto rosso - A Glimpse of Film Awards internazionali

Il tappeto rosso - A Glimpse of Film Awards internazionali

This topic covers: Some Cinema Related Terms and their Meaning, A Glimpse of International Film Awards with Exercises.
Il verbo e il suo soggetto

Il verbo e il suo soggetto

This topic focus on: What are adverbs with exercises.
L'importanza di costumi e make-up in Cinema

L'importanza di costumi e make-up in Cinema

This topic covers: Importance of Costumes and Make-Up, Functions of Costume Design and Make-Up., Influence of Cinema on Fashion with Exercises.
Attori Legendary

Attori Legendary

This topic covers: A Glimpse Of Some Legendary Actors with Exercises.
Io sono un critico - Tutto su Movie Reviews

Io sono un critico - Tutto su Movie Reviews

This topic covers: Who is a Film Critic?, What Makes a Film Critic the Best?, 2 Well-Known Film Critics and Exercises to Develop Your Critical Writing Skills.
Esercizio 11

Esercizio 11

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Avverbi en -ment, -emment ou -amment - cours

Avverbi en -ment, -emment ou -amment - cours

This topic focus on: Adverbs en -ment, -emment ou -amment - cours with exercises.
Migliori film di tutti i tempi

Migliori film di tutti i tempi

This topic covers: Examples of some of the best movies of all time with Exercises.
Feedback Movie

Feedback Movie

This topic covers: What are Movie Ratings and their importance?, About Movie Ratings of the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America) and Exercises.
Trama Un Film

Trama Un Film

This topic covers: James Cameron, a successful filmmaker, director, producer and screenwriter shares his experiences in movie making with an interviewer along with Exercises.
Andando per un film

Andando per un film

This topic covers: Role Play between two friends who are planning to go for a movie with Exercises.
Esercizio 12

Esercizio 12

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 4

Test 4

Here you will give test for topics covered in Module 4.
Modulo 5 (Formazione)
I blog, articoli scolastici ...

I blog, articoli scolastici ...

This topic covers: Reading different Blogs, School Articles and understanding them with Exercises.
Partitive articoli

Partitive articoli

This topic focus on: Partitive Articles with exercises.
Scrivere un blog

Scrivere un blog

This topic covers: How to write a blog which includes Topic, Content, Images and Layout along with Writing Exercises based on it.
Unità nella diversità

Unità nella diversità

This topic covers: Students from different countries/places interact on campus along with Exercises.
sport campus

sport campus

This topic covers: Different sports like Martial arts, basketball played in campus along with Exercises.
Esercizio 13

Esercizio 13

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Raccolta di fondi attività a scuola

Raccolta di fondi attività a scuola

This topic covers: Different Fundraising Ideas and Activities at School along with Exercises.
Il passato semplice

Il passato semplice

This topic will focus on: The simple past with exercises.
Eventi a scuola

Eventi a scuola

This topic covers: Different kinds of Events and advertise it on print, Facebook, Twitter. E.g. - Music and dance fest, Bake sales, School garage, etc. along with Writing Exercises based on it.
Viaggio campo educativo

Viaggio campo educativo

This topic covers: Purpose and Benefits of Educational Field Trip along with Exercises.
Le scuole private Pubblico v / s

Le scuole private Pubblico v / s

This topic covers: Discussion Techniques along with Exercises.
Esercizio 14

Esercizio 14

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Tradizionale Versus Virtual Classroom

Tradizionale Versus Virtual Classroom

This topic covers: Difference between Traditional and Virtual Classroom along with Exercises.
Vorrei incontrare il Consigliere si prega

Vorrei incontrare il Consigliere si prega

This topic covers: Counselling in campus - bullying, exam stress, peer pressure, teen issues-acne, boyfriend, BFF etc. along with Exercises.
Punti salienti della vostra vita del campus

Punti salienti della vostra vita del campus

This topic covers: The highlights of campus life E.g. - Gap year, 1st crush, prom nights, making friends, studying abroad, etc along with Writing Exercises based on it.
Istruzione e l'industria-Una partnership

Istruzione e l'industria-Una partnership

This topic covers: A Relationship between Education and The Industry along with Reading Exercises.


This topic covers: Placements in campuses around the globe along with Exercises.
Esercizio 15

Esercizio 15

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 5

Test 5

Here you will give test for topics covered in Module 5.
Modulo 6 (Media)
Mi piace a twitter

Mi piace a twitter

This topic covers: Different types of media along with Exercises.
Seguire la # (hashtag)

Seguire la # (hashtag)

This topic covers: Terms used in social media-hashtag, avatar, selfie, feed, follow etc. along with Exercises.
Opportunità di lavoro nei media

Opportunità di lavoro nei media

This topic covers: Different types of careers in media industry like Public relations, marketing, brand management, event managers etc. along with Exercises.
Etichette di social media

Etichette di social media

This topic covers: Social Media Etiquettes - Terms like trolling, phubbing, cyber bullying, oversharing, unfriending, etc. along with Exercises.
Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense

This topic will focus on: Sense, use and examples of the Future Perfect, Structure of the sentence with exercises.
Esercizio 16

Esercizio 16

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Pubblicità e Marketing

Pubblicità e Marketing

This topic covers: What is Advertising and Marketing?, Difference between Advertising and Marketing along with Exercises.
Ping! Hai un messaggio.

Ping! Hai un messaggio.

This topic covers: Over Dependence on phone,internet,social media along with Exercises.
Passato perfetto

Passato perfetto

This topic will focus on: The past perfect, value and use with exercises.


This topic covers: Definition, Importance, Companies along with Exercises.
Marche attraverso i media

Marche attraverso i media

This topic covers: How mass commercialization through media occurs? Whether it's paid news in newspaper supplements, branding in movies or even a simple toy along with Exercises.
Esercizio 17

Esercizio 17

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.


This topic covers: Paparazzi - News or Nuisance along with Exercises.
È un supporto portando via la nostra privacy?

È un supporto portando via la nostra privacy?

This topic covers: How media has taken away our privacy? along with Exercises.
Franchise media

Franchise media

This topic covers: Biggest Media Franchises e.g. - Matrix trilogy, X-Men etc. along with Exercises.
Relativ Sätze

Relativ Sätze

This topic covers: How to use them in conversations along with Exercises.
New age of Media

New age of Media

This topic covers: How media is playing an important part in shaping new icon? Kim Kardashian, internet sensations, budding filmmakers on net along with Exercises.
Esercizio 18

Esercizio 18

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 6

Test 6

Here you will give test for topics covered in Module 6
Modulo 7 (News)
Otzi-La vecchia iceman 5300 anni

Otzi-La vecchia iceman 5300 anni

This topic covers: About the life of Otzi - The 5300 Year Old Iceman with Reading Exercises.
Scrivi una notizia che descrive lo spirito delle feste

Scrivi una notizia che descrive lo spirito delle feste

This topic covers: Introduction and exercises on writing a news item describing the spirit of holidays (Can be any holidays, like Christmas, Thanksgiving etc.)
Notizie In movimento

Notizie In movimento

This topic covers: Podcasts, vlogging, blogs, facebook, twitter, news apps…Emerging forms of audio/video news compete with the newspaper along with Exercises.
Discorso indiretto

Discorso indiretto

This topic covers: Use of Reported Speech and Exercises based on it.
Ultime notizie del 2016

Ultime notizie del 2016

This topic covers: Breaking News Of 2016 along with Reading Exercises.
La libertà di stampa

La libertà di stampa

This topic covers: What is freedom of the Press and their rights? Are they misusing this right? along with exercises.
Going on-line

Going on-line

This topic covers: Getting Techy - News outlets have started to provide their services online along with exercises.
Esercizio 19

Esercizio 19

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Scandali Notizie

Scandali Notizie

This topic covers: Biggest news scandals E.g. - Rebecca Brooks, Billy Bush along with Exercises.
Le donne influenti del 20 ° secolo

Le donne influenti del 20 ° secolo

This topic covers: Influential Women Of The 20th Century along with Reading exercises.
News a 10

News a 10

This topic covers: News At 10 and Listening exercises based on it.
Opportunità di lavoro in Notizie

Opportunità di lavoro in Notizie

This topic covers: Careers in News Industry like the weather reporter, sportscaster, TV news anchor, etc. along with Spoken Interaction Exercises.
Esercizio 20

Esercizio 20

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Scrivi una notizia su ....

Scrivi una notizia su ....

This topic covers: Introduction and how to Write A News Report along with Exercises based on it.
The Times della narrazione

The Times della narrazione

This topic focus on: the past simple, the imperfect with exercises.
Esercizio 21

Esercizio 21

This exercise will cover the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 7

Test 7

Here you will give test for topics covered in Module 7.
Module 8 (Lifestyle)
Propositi per l'anno nuovo

Propositi per l'anno nuovo

This topic covers: Write and explain about new year resolutions and why they are so hard to keep - in simple passive


This topic covers: The resort has a range of luxury accommodation to offer and exercices based on it.
Healing alternativo

Healing alternativo

This topic covers: Meditation, Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Yoga and exercices based on it.
Mangiare sano

Mangiare sano

This topic covers: Benefits of Healthy Eating and exercices based on it.
Dal disagio di de-stress

Dal disagio di de-stress

This topic covers: Stress, esteem issues, etc. and how to combat them along with exercices based on it.
Esercizio 22

Esercizio 22

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Dipendenza Gadget

Dipendenza Gadget

This topic covers: Addicted to the internet, whatsapp, facebook etc. along with exercices.
Non Carriere dettano stili di vita?

Non Carriere dettano stili di vita?

This topic covers: Careers Dictate Lifestyles - Inspite of, despite, etc. e.g. I believe that inspite of my career, I can lead a healthy lifestyle along with exercices.
Disturbi stile di vita

Disturbi stile di vita

This topic covers: Sitting for too long, flying in different time zones. Connecting words expressing cause and effect, contrast etc. along with exercices.
Fit-A poco a poco

Fit-A poco a poco

This topic covers: Gadgets that help us to be fit -- fit-bit, clothes, shoes, smart watch along with reading exercices.
Scrivi il vostro stile di vita

Scrivi il vostro stile di vita

This topic covers: Introduction and exercices on writing about your lifestyle.
Esercizio 23

Esercizio 23

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Hotel di lusso in tutto il mondo

Hotel di lusso in tutto il mondo

This topic covers: Most of the Luxury Hotels Around The Globe along with the exercices.
Sole e sabbia

Sole e sabbia

This topic covers: Introduction and Writing exercices - Describe your best vacation.
Confucio è I

Confucio è I

This topic covers: Figures of speech - Simile/Metaphor and exercices based on it.
Spas of the World

Spas of the World

This topic covers: Natural and Man-made - Spas Of The World along with exercices based on it.
Stili di vita dei ricchi e famosi

Stili di vita dei ricchi e famosi

This topic covers: Lifestyles of the rich and famous people around the world like celebs, Business Man etc. along with reading exercices based on it.
Esercizio 24

Esercizio 24

This exercise will cover: The last 5 topics learnt.
Test 8

Test 8

This test will cover: All the topics learnt in module 8.
Modulo 9 (Scienza & attualità)
Il big Bang

Il big Bang

This topic covers: The birth of the earth, how the earth was formed and theory behind it with exercices.
Scoperte scientifiche

Scoperte scientifiche

This topic covers: Incredible scientific breakthroughs and discoveries over the years using Broader range of intensifiers (such as too, so enough) and exercices based on it.
Gli scienziati famosi

Gli scienziati famosi

This topic covers: Scientists like Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, Marie Curie and their inventions with exercises.
Attraverso il telescopio

Attraverso il telescopio

This topic covers: Constellations you have seen, shooting stars, and what you know about the planets and Writing exercices based on it.
Invenzioni che hanno cambiato il mondo

Invenzioni che hanno cambiato il mondo

This topic covers: Inventions like Telephone, Electricity, Fire, Wheel etc. along with exercises.
Esercizio 25

Esercizio 25

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Rami della scienza - Parte 1

Rami della scienza - Parte 1

This topic covers: Geology, Biology, Sociology and exercices based on it.
Comparativi e superlativi

Comparativi e superlativi

This topic covers: Irregular Comparatives and Superlatives Adjectives and exercices
Documentario: ponti stupefacenti

Documentario: ponti stupefacenti

This topic covers: Some Amazing bridges around the world along with exercices.
Misteri del mondo

Misteri del mondo

This topic covers: Introduction and What are mysteries of the world? along with exercices based on it.
In diretta

In diretta

This topic covers: Introduction and Describe news in your country along with writing exercices based on it.
Esercizio 26

Esercizio 26

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Toon in alla notizia

Toon in alla notizia

In this session, we will cover: (cartoons in the newspaper- political cartoons and the regular comic strip). and exercices.
Scienziato pazzo

Scienziato pazzo

This topic covers: Introduction and exercices on writing about one imaginary product you would like to invent.
Il Congiuntivo

Il Congiuntivo

This topic focus on: What is the subjunctive? How to train? and when do we use it? with exercises.
Scoperte mediche che fanno risparmiare vita quotidiana

Scoperte mediche che fanno risparmiare vita quotidiana

This topic covers: Inventions and discoveries that improved lives along with exercises based on it.


This topic covers: News Bulletin - Breaking News from Around the world along with Listening exercises based on it.
Esercizio 27

Esercizio 27

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 9

Test 9

This test will cover: all the sessions in module 9
Modulo 10 (Arti)
Arti dello spettacolo

Arti dello spettacolo

This topic covers: Introduction and different forms of Arts - Music, Dance, Theater along with exercices.
Media Arts

Media Arts

This topic covers: Introduction and Photography, Cinematography etc. along with Listening exercises.
Sta scrivendo un arte morente?

Sta scrivendo un arte morente?

This topic covers: Introduction and Writing as an Art along with exercises.
Famose opere d'arte-Part 1

Famose opere d'arte-Part 1

This topic covers: Famous works of - The Thinker, Michael Jackson- Billy Jean etc.along with exercises.
Il mondo dell'arte

Il mondo dell'arte

This topic covers: what constitutes the art world- artists, galleries, museums, art critics, auction houses, etc. along with exercises.
Esercizio 28

Esercizio 28

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Vicino al fuoco

Vicino al fuoco

In this session, we will cover : (Use your own memories, others memories, inspiration from the internet, TV, etc) and exercices.
Esercizi sui tempi passati

Esercizi sui tempi passati

This topic will focus on : Exercises on past Times.
Famose opere d'Art- Parte 2

Famose opere d'Art- Parte 2

This topic covers: Famous Art work forms - Mona Lisa, The Sistine Chapel etc. along with exercises.
I mondi di Tintin, Asterix e Obelix, Topolino

I mondi di Tintin, Asterix e Obelix, Topolino

This topic covers: Introduction and A look at World's most memorable cartoonists along with exercises.
Arti culinarie

Arti culinarie

This topic covers: Culinary Arts like Cake Art, Chocolatier, Winemaking etc. along with exercises.
Esercizio 29

Esercizio 29

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Visiva arti- Unconventional

Visiva arti- Unconventional

This topic covers: Sculpting, Drawing, Painting, Art from scrap etc. along with exercises.
Modifica delle Arti

Modifica delle Arti

This topic covers: Changing Arts from cave paintings to modern cinema and exercises based on it.


This topic covers: Art Pictures and Writing exercises based on it.
Critico d 'arte

Critico d 'arte

This topic covers: Listen to an art critic (for food, painting, music etc.) and answer the questions.
Come Impatti Arte tua vita?

Come Impatti Arte tua vita?

This topic covers: Introduction and how art can impact our life? along with exercises.
Esercizio 30

Esercizio 30

This exercise will cover: the last 5 topics learnt.
Test 10

Test 10

This test will cover: all topics from module 10.
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